
vECU-MBD WG member homepage

vECU-MBD WG hosts folloing two homepage to enlight enginners and reseachers who are working using or considering to use MBD.

Difference between public homepage and member homepage

Genrally there are following difference between public homepage and member homepage.

public homepage  member hompage
registration  not required required
contents of the hompepage ・ activity report of the vECU-MBD WG
・ Presentaions
 In addition to the contents of the public homepage
・ Draft of reports the vECU-MBD WG

Category of the vECU-MBD WG membership

About category of the vECU-MBD WG membership, please refer this page.

How to join the vECU-MBD WG member.

Please register from the “registration” tab at this site.

 How to join vECU-MBD WG core member

If you want to join the vECU-MBD WG core member, please send an email from follwoing address.

inquiry(at) (please replace (at) with @ )